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Traveling To The Last Days To Protect You

Chapter 23

As the clock struck seven, they finally set off. The large crowd of people had caused a delay in their departure. 

They had four vehicles in total, with the pickup truck leading the way, followed by two commercial vehicles, and the largest cold chain vehicle bringing up the rear. 

Along with Ye Xiao, his companions, and Lin Tantan, there were 43 individuals in total. Excluding the three drivers, there were 40 people, with 11 crammed into each of the two commercial vehicles and 16 in the cold car compartment, with two people remaining. After demonstrating their proficiency with guns, Ye Xiao distributed a pistol to each of them and designated a specific location for them. 

Two additional helpers were better than none. 

Ye Xiao revisited Lin Tantan to confirm if she could handle zombies, and she promptly nodded. She had always yearned to fight alongside Ye Xiao. Ye Xiao then assigned her to the passenger seat of commercial vehicle 1. 

Lin Tantan: "..." 

Looking at the nervous young man in the driver's seat beside her, she sighed. The final arrangement was as follows: - In the pickup truck, Xu Zuo was in the front, nervously holding a gun, while Ye Xiao was in the back, armed and ready to deal with any zombies head-on.

 In commercial vehicle 1, Lin Tantan sat in the passenger seat and assisted Ye Xiao in dealing with zombies on the right. 

Commercial Vehicle 2 had Zhong Xiong in the passenger seat, prepared to attack the zombies from the roof. Mei Bosheng sat coolly on the roof of the cold chain car, responsible for killing the zombies following behind. Lin Tantan felt that his posture was too coy, as if he’d fall and be eaten clean by zombies at any moment.

Lin Tantan was observing the rear from the car window. Upon looking up, she saw Ye Xiao in the pickup truck in front and beamed. Her position was the least threatening, because Ye Xiao was always there to take care of her. She could see him as soon as she looked up, this was definitely a benefit given to her by the male god, wasn’t it?

Due to the delay in the villa area, the zombies began to slowly gather outside again. However, as the convoy drove out, Ye Xiao swiftly shot and killed the approaching zombies. The road was clear, and the cars had a smooth journey. They chose routes away from buildings to minimize encounters with zombies. 

Lin Tantan checked the dashboard and observed the speed being maintained between 20 and 30 km/h, ensuring they would reach their destination in a reasonable time. 

Lin Tantan kept her hands in her pockets, absorbing gold-type crystal nuclei to her heart’s content. Ye Xiao had generously given her all of his wood-type and gold-type crystal nuclei, each 20 or 30 in number. She was like a poor man suddenly getting rich, no longer needing to concern herself with energy. 

Suddenly, sounds of distress were heard from the front, prompting Lin Tantan to stop absorbing the crystal nuclei. Peering out, she saw Ye Xiao shooting forward in the car, his steady voice coming through the wireless earphones: 

"A group of zombies have appeared one hundred meters away. At present, there are more than 60 zombies. Everyone, speed up and get ready." 

As expected, the speed of the four cars increased. Upon encountering a group of zombies, they had two options: either detour or accelerate and plow through. Being surrounded by corpses was the worst scenario. 

The pickup truck knocked several zombies into the air, while the remaining ones were repelled by a violent and invisible force—a result of Ye Xiao's wind power. 

Lin Tantan quickly sent golden thorns after the falling zombies, ensuring they wouldn't rise again to pursue the convoy. She expertly controlled her abilities, throwing gold thorns that targeted the eyes of the zombies. Realizing that her gold system wasn't strong enough for headshots, she skillfully rotated the golden thorn on impact, piercing the zombies' skulls and cranial cavities.

The brain tissues of the zombies had mutated to become very fragile; with only a few parts controlled by the crystal nucleus in the skull, while the rest had decayed. So while the gold thorns could destroy the brain tissues of the zombies, if the angle was right, the crystal nucleus inside the skull could also be hit.

In case of good luck, this would be enough to “kill” a zombie, and if not, it could also make the zombie lose its mobility for a period of time.

So she dealt with all the zombies in front of her with one shot. Zhong Xiong, who was at the back, saw this situation and decided to ignore the right side, only dealing with the zombies on the left.

The pressure was reduced and efficiency greatly improved.

Mei Bosheng waited for a long time, but couldn’t get the chance to show off his skills, so he had to look at the top, the ground, and the surroundings, and do a good job of guarding everyone’s back.

The group of more than 60 zombies was quickly dealt with by them, leaving behind a field of corpses, and not far in front of the group of corpses, several people were running and fighting with the zombies. When the situation was critical, one of the boys threw out an arrowhead... a water arrow?

Chapter 22 ToC               Chapter 24


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