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Traveling To The Last Days To Protect You

Chapter 10

Bai Cheng said softly: "First of all, I still believe that this order is unreasonable, but since it has been issued by Major General Min himself, no matter how unreasonable, we have to follow it."

Several pairs of eyes stared at Bai Cheng as he continued unhurriedly: "Secondly, our team is of a special nature and has never had any contact with those military units. Without the approval of the higher authorities, it is not suitable for us to go anywhere."

This was the reason for their current embarrassment.

"Thirdly, our biggest problem is that we don't know much about the current situation; and we don't know anything at all about the situation in the central government. So my suggestion is, let's enter Yang City and do the task accordingly, but play it by ear*.

The "play it by ear" comment made several people laugh. It was good to play by ear. Although obeying orders was the bounden duty of soldiers, they were not fools or robots. If someone from the above messed with them, they would not be so obedient .

Ye Xiao asked everyone: "What do you think?"

Everyone looked at each other and laughed: "Then go, just to see what the good thing Cheng Qin An said."

The guy who had been tinkering with the notebook suddenly raised the notebook:

"I have already controlled part of the monitoring in Yang City."

Ye Xiao thought for a moment, then smiled: "In this case, get ready and go."

Not long after, a retired old man in a villa area in Yang City received a notice to wait for the rescue at home.
The two scientists who were trapped in the office also received the same notice.

Then there was a pair of mother and daughter who hid in the basement.

The last one was a male student in the North University Town. Ever since the zombies appeared, he had already made countless calls to his grandfather, who kept telling him to wait for rescue patiently. He was holding the phone tightly, as if holding the last straw. 

Finally, the phone rang again. It was an unfamiliar number. He picked it up with trembling hands:


"Is it Cai Chengliang? I am Ye Xiao." 

The calm male voice on the phone said, "Where are you currently?"

Cai Chengliang was about to cry, "It's me, it's me, I'm in my school, here in the auditorium, there are a lot of zombies outside, come and save me!"

"Calm down, it's getting dark, don't run around; we will try to get there tomorrow at the latest." 

The man gave him some instructions, which he kept firmly in mind. As he hung up the phone, he met the attentive eyes of the students around him, and said excitedly:

"Someone is coming to save me, I'm going to be saved!"

"Who is it, are there many people?"

"It's a very powerful soldier, like a special soldier."

Cai Chengliang was only interested in being happy, and didn't notice any changes in the eyes of the students around him.

This night, in the auditorium, people kept using their mobile phones to secretly contact their classmates and friends who were outside or nearby.

"Soldiers will come here in the auditorium tomorrow. Find a way to come and be rescued together."

"Rescue will arrive tomorrow. Yes, come to the auditorium."

Word spread, and the news of rescue soon spread in the North University Town.

At this time, Lin Tantan was still worrying about the fact that it was getting dark.

Her journey didn't go smoothly. Even though she tried to walk away from the crowd as much as possible, she would still encounter zombies frequently.

Sometimes she would hide for a while, or compete with them by running faster, sometimes detouring while sometimes having to bite the bullet and kill the zombies.

When it was almost dark, the map showed that she had only advanced seven or eight kilometres in the correct direction.

But at this time, the zombies were starting to become active, and she had to find a place to spend the night at all costs.

What she currently saw in front of her was a villa area. The courtyard walls here were very high and connected to the grid. There were many zombies outside, but only a few zombies inside. Moreover, the villas inside were all equipped with iron fences and iron gates, which looked very strong. There was no need to worry about them being broken by zombies.

The question was, how could she climb over the wall, and then enter a villa that was willing to accept her and was not under the "watchful eyes" of the zombies in the area?

Preferably an empty house, but how would she know which one was empty?

Never mind, seeing that the sky was getting darker, the wind getting stronger, and the zombies becoming more and more restless, she chose a place with fewer zombies, and shot out the green vine again, entangling the top of a pillar, she ran with all her strength, finally jumping up and throwing herself over the wall before the zombies outside could react.

And then fell down hard. It hurt!

How many times had she dropped herself like a sack today?

The wandering zombies in the villa area immediately rushed towards her. She used both hands and feet to climb up to the second floor of the nearest villa, and a dense circle of zombies immediately surrounded her below.

Lin Tantan was panting, stepping on the pitifully protruding decorative border, and moved towards the window of the second floor. After finally moving over, she turned her head and looked inside, okay, there was a zombie's face pasted on the glass.

Why were they everywhere! It was amazing to have so many corpses!

Lin Tantan was almost desperate.

At this moment, the window of the second floor of the villa next door, which was directly opposite Lin Tantan, opened. An old lady stood at the window and waved to her anxiously: "Girl, come here!"


 *Play it by ear: To play it by ear means to act spontaneously and according to the situation

So... I tried to consistently use Lin Tan Tan as the mc's name, but I myself became confused after changing so many Tantans to Tan Tans :'(
So i just went back to the first chapter and changed back all the Tan Tans to Tantans... It would be easy for me when editing the next chapters and also flows better while reading...
What do you guys think?


  1. Makes sense especially if helps dear translator keep track. If the translator is confused than readers will be even more confused so do what works best for you.

  2. Thank you for the chapter! Whatever helps you!


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