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Traveling To The Last Days To Protect You

Chapter 3

For a moment, Lin Tantan was in a daze, and it took her a long time before she came back to reality. 

Pain pain pain pain! 
Lin Tantan burst into tears. She tried to lift the bed that was pressing on her and got up while grinding her teeth, then looked at the bunk bed lying on the ground. A little dazed, she thought; why was the antique bed so unstable? 

She just wanted to jump out of the bed out of excitement, but she didn't expect the bed to be so far up from the ground. She subconsciously grabbed the edge of the bed, but she pulled it so hard that the whole bed fell down. 

Lin Tantan lifted up her trousers and looked at her left ankle where a large layer of skin was torn and the swollen mass was visible to the naked eye; she wanted to cry. 

It hurt; but what hurt her more was how she made a fool out of herself. 

Could she really help her male god like this?
He would be disgusted by her even if she just approached him. 

Lin Tantan subconsciously wanted to use supernatural powers to heal herself, but... her body was empty and there was nothing. 

Lin Tantan was startled, the ability was gone?! She hastened to look inside her mind. 
This process had been done countless times before, and she was more proficient in her powers than eating and drinking. But now it somehow became extremely difficult; but she managed to clearly see the inside of her mind before making herself dizzy. 

The energy core was gone, replaced by a cloud of mist; with five intertwined colors, it seemed that she still possessed all five elements. 

She breathed a sigh of relief. It was said that, in the supernatural beings at the beginning of the apocalypse, since their abilities were too weak; the energy nucleus - called the crystal nucleus at that time - hadn't formed yet, it was just a cloud of primitive energy in the form of a mist. It meant that the ability was about to enter a new stage. 

She looked at her current body again. The original owner of this body should have been in the stage of supernatural awakening before, but it was a pity that she didn't make it through. In the end of the world, it took a long time to awaken supernatural abilities and the death rate was also very high.

Wait, supernatural powers waking up? The end times had already begun? 

She didn't care about the pain anymore, and quickly turned on the mobile phone she still held in her hands; the time showing 14:01. Lin Tantan remembered clearly that the apocalypse started at 13:45, which meant it had already started 16 minutes ago!

"Bang! Bang!" There was a sudden and loud knock on the door, and the entire off-white dormitory door was shaken up. 

"This is..." Lin Tantan swallowed. Someone who could smash the door like this, who could have such strength?

That too in the early days of the apocalypse; what else could there be except for zombies? 

It was probably because the sound of the bed falling just now attracted the zombies outside. If she was lucky, there would only be one zombie standing outside the room. 

Lin Tantan climbed over the fallen bed and limped to the door. Laying down on the floor, she tried to look outside through the gap; there was indeed only one pair of feet outside. 

But even a single zombie was not something she could deal with! 

Although Lin Tantan was known as a powerhouse in her previous life, she had never experienced a fight. Except for Wood and Gold, she had basically never used the other three types of abilities. Besides, she was a newbie now. The Wood and Gold abilities were also unable to be used. 

After thinking about it for a minute, Lin Tantan turned around and moved the fallen bed up with great effort, dragging it to block the door. 

On both sides of the dormitory's entrance, there was a closet on one side and a toilet on the other. There was only a one-metre-long corridor in the middle, which was just enough to put the upper and lower beds in. 

However, Lin Tantan pushed halfway from behind, and the door was wrenched open. Pulling the bed back, she formed a half-open and half-closed angle between the bed and the door. The zombie wanted to come in from there. 

Lin Tantan saw a real zombie for the first time, and realised that those guys in movies with tilted heads, rotten faces, dragging intestines and white eyes were already beautified.

Although she could not see the whole body of the zombie in front of her, she could see shriveled flesh hanging from the face, and the eyes were wide opened and looked as pale as those of dead fish; as if they were about to fall off the next second. The drooling mouth was screaming and the long, black and grey nails were still scratching the door; trying to come inside. The visual effect and the rotten dead air rushing to the face would have definitely scared the timid enough to cry. 

Lin Tantan had seen many bloody wounds, but she was still terrified at the moment, pushing the bed hard from behind, trying to block the door once again, but the zombie was also very strong. 

Lin Tantan and the zombie struggled for a while, and her temper also came up. She looked left and right, picked up a cane that she had not noticed lying in the corner, climbed to the lower bunk of the bunk bed and tried to hit the zombie with the stick. 

At that instant, the zombie's head stretched out in her direction; she hit it hard at this time; causing the zombie’s head to swing away heavily. 

The stick was quite heavy, even if it was made of plastic, it was not easy to use. But once she swung it at the zombie; it was pushed back a few steps, and then it pounced towards her more ferociously. 

Lin Tantan just lifted her right foot, pressed the door, and beat that head desperately. 

Clap clap! 

Lin Tantan did not know how many times she had kicked; suddenly finding out that the space was empty. Looking carefully, she realised that the zombie's whole head was knocked off its neck. 

Lin Tantan: "..." 

Lin Tantan hurriedly pushed out the zombie's body stuck inside, closed the door, and looked down at the rolling head on the ground with its mouth opening and closing. She could not process what was happening. 

But soon, a sticky mass of paste-like gray-black tissues slid out of the head. In addition, a solid mass rolled out, causing the head to loose energy, and the stinky mouth finally stopped moving.

Lin Tantan suddenly felt a surge of excitement as she looked at the object glowing with green light; could it be the legendary zombie crystal nucleus? 

She pulled the thing towards herself with the stick in her hand, then opened the door and quickly pushed the head out. Taking the broom beside her, she swept out the mess on the ground, she didn't even want the broom afer that, and went to throw it outside and close the door again.

The door lock was broken, so she once again used the bed to block the door.

Then she found a pair of chopsticks, picked up the solid mass, got into the toilet that was between the upper and lower bunks, and rinsed it in the sink.

As soon as the water flowed over it, the thing revealed its true colours. It was indeed a crystal nucleus, light green in colour. Although not very pure, which signified that it was only a first-class Wood element crystal nucleus with many impurities, Lin Tantan was still overjoyed.


• At this point, Lin Tantan addresses Ye Xiao as 'Ye Shen' which means something like 'male god Ye', although I translated it as 'my idol Ye' in the previous chapters (since using 'Ye Shen' directly would confuse his name which is Ye Xiao). You can tell me whether you all would like me to continue writing it as idol or as male god or simply Ye Shen.

P.S Since the chapters in this story are quite lengthy, I am splitting them into 2 parts (which means that this chapter is the first part of chapter 2). This was for all those people who might want to continue this story through mtl.

            Chapter 2             ToC            Chapter 4


  1. Thanks for translating! The story is off to a great start!!!

    1. Ratoon Translations19/11/2022, 14:08

      Thanks alot for your appreciation!

  2. Can you label the chapter as 2.1 so we can know the correct chapter numbering?

    1. Ratoon Translations19/11/2022, 14:07

      I'd really like to do that but since I never remembered this before, I've already uploaded 6 chapters with the current numbering on novel updates where it cannot be changed... So if I suddenly change the numbering on this website, it would only create more confusion for the future readers..

    2. It's totally OK. Thank you for translating.


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